Is There a Difference Between Dental Implants and Veneers?

When you’re feeling self-conscious about how your smile looks in Rogers, AR, Dr. Brett Cotham can help. At All About Smiles, we offer cosmetic dentistry procedures that simultaneously improve a smile and a patient’s oral health. When you choose the best cosmetic dentistry procedure for your oral health, you will look and feel your best. Veneers and dental implants both offer safe and effective ways to straighten your smile.

About dental veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that are placed directly on the surface of the teeth. The goal of this cosmetic dentistry procedure in Rogers, AR is to improve the appearance of a patient’s teeth. It can correct their color, length, size, or shape. Veneers are a permanent solution to gapped, cracked, crooked, chipped, or misaligned teeth. Dr. Cotham can repair your smile through a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures, which can all be discussed during an initial consultation at his northern Arkansas dental office.

How are dental veneers installed?

The process of installing dental veneers involves a variety of steps. They include:

  1. File down teeth: A portion of the natural enamel is etched away from the front of the teeth so that the veneers adhere more successfully.

  2. Impressions are made: These impressions are used to make sure that the veneers perfectly fit each patient’s mouth and teeth.

  3. Place temporaries: Temporary veneers are placed on the teeth until the permanent ones are ready.

  4. Place permanent veneers: The temporaries are removed and the permanent ones are adhered. If necessary, adjustments can be made to ensure a proper fit.

Do veneers ruin your natural teeth?

No, veneers will not ruin your natural teeth in Rogers, AR. They are specifically designed by Dr. Cotham to fit over your natural teeth and enhance your smile’s appearance. Since veneers are attached to your natural teeth, you should not experience pain during this procedure to revive your smile. Once the veneers are bonded, they are shaped and polished. For any concerns about veneers, you can ask questions during your initial consultation when you decide which procedure will work best for your oral health.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are screw-like posts that are placed into the jawbone during minor surgery, replacing the root of missing teeth. During the healing process, the implant will fuse completely with the jawbone, which in turn, provides stable support. Once this stability is ensured, a crown is placed on top of the dental implant by Dr. Cotham.

At All About Smiles, we try to save the natural teeth as often as we can. However, sometimes, it is not possible. If you experience tooth loss, dental implants may be a great option for you. Trauma, injury, disease, tooth decay, and infection are common causes of tooth loss. While many teeth can be treated and saved, there are times when extractions are necessary.

How dental implants work

We administer local anesthesia to the area being treated. A small incision is made into the gum where a post will be inserted into the jawbone. Once it is placed correctly, the area is stitched shut. After a healing period, which usually lasts several months, a permanent restoration is placed. The crown used is custom made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth.

Learn the difference between veneers and implants in Rogers, AR

When you’re considering cosmetic dentistry options, such as veneers or dental implants, Dr. Brett Cotham at All About Smiles can provide professional advice. After a thorough dental examination, he can make his recommendation of which procedure will work best for your oral health. Veneers offer a fast and long-lasting way to improve the smile’s appearance. Dental implants are used to restore the function of missing teeth. To learn more about cosmetic dentistry procedures that revive a smile, call our northern Arkansas office today to schedule an appointment.

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