How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

When you lose a tooth, you will be looking for professional ways to replace this tooth in Rogers, AR. At All About Smiles, Dr. Brett Cotham has successfully used dental implants to help restore his patients’ smile. Tooth loss can make speaking or chewing hard. Some of his patients felt self-conscious because of their missing teeth. Dental implants are a great treatment option to choose. Dr. Cotham can examine your teeth and gums and determine whether or not you’re a viable candidate for dental implants at your first visit.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an artificial tooth replacement for both the root and crown of a tooth. Dr. Cotham surgically places posts directly into the jawbone, making dental implants a permanent restoration. Dental implants are natural-looking tooth replacements that allow his patients to enjoy the benefits of restored oral health as soon as they are placed.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

In order to be a candidate for dental implants at All About Smiles in Rogers, AR, you must have:

  • One or more missing teeth

  • A strong enough jawbone to withstand the procedure and the healing time

  • No interest in dentures or the inability to have them

What are Implants Made of?

Dental implants are made of titanium or even titanium alloys. When they are placed into the jawbone, the bone will grow around the implants and bond with them as if they were natural bone. This is called osseointegration. This will hold the implant in place. The visible portion of a dental implant is usually made of porcelain or other tooth-colored materials. Each is custom-made to match your other teeth, so it looks like a natural tooth in your mouth

How Implants Work

There are three main parts of a dental implant process. They include:

  1. Planning: During the planning phase, Dr. Cotham will determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for this treatment option. He will take digital x-rays to determine if you have enough bone in your jaw for long-term results. If you have experienced any bone loss, he may recommend bone grafting for implant support. The extraction of the tooth or teeth being treated will also have to occur during this phase.

  2. Placement: Dental implants are surgically placed directly into the jawbone. Advanced cone beam computed tomography allows Dr. Cotham to make sure that the dental implant is placed accurately. These implants are given a period of time to fuse with the jaw.

  3. Attachment: Once the implant and jawbone has been given adequate time to heal, Dr. Cotham will complete the implant process. Impressions of the implant site are taken to ensure that the implant is in the proper place and proper healing has occurred. Once this is verified, the custom-made crown, bridge or denture restoration is attached to the implant screw, which completes the implant dentistry procedure.

Dental Implant Healing Time

The average healing time for a dental implant is 4-6 months for complete healing. The healing time for placing dental implants is complex and will vary from patient to patient. Osseointegration, the process of the bone fusing to the implant, usually takes about two to four months to be completed. Once it is finished, the dental implant process can be completed with the attachment of the restoration.

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

Many of our patients in Rogers, AR wonder will their dental implants last forever. How long dental implants last will depend on how you care for the restoration. Proper oral hygiene is how well you care and how you maintain your dental implant will affect its longevity. The location of the implant also will determine how long it lasts. Dental implants in the back of the mouth receive more pressure from biting and chewing, so they are more likely to fail quicker than those found in the front of the mouth.

Learn More About How Dental Implants Can Restore Your Smile in Rogers, AR

Dental implants are a great tooth replacement option for individuals in Northern Arkansas. It can have life-changing benefits to your oral health. Dr. Brett Cotham at All About Smiles provides dental implants to patients of all ages. When you’re interested in learning if you’re a candidate for this procedure, call our dental office today to schedule a treatment consultation.

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